Authentic wood burning, steam powered, stern paddlewheeler
This steamboat has operated on Caddo Lake since 1992 doing tours. It still runs like new and just needs a few minor repairs that do not affect operation, can send photos of repairs that need to be made upon request. The Graceful Ghost Steamboat is a 1/4 scale replica of an authentic 1800 class steamboat and was built from theblueprintsof a 200 foot cotton hauler. She is 14' wide and 50 ' long, 2 stories high and is trailerable once you remove the smoke stack. To the best of our knowledge this is the last and only wood burning, steam powered, sternpaddlewheelleft in the entire world. Thisvessel would make a great static display or teaching aid at a museum or university or can continue doing great steamboat rides and tours.Her 4 in. diameter pistons have a 16 in. stroke and has a power stroke at both ends of travel. Also have spare engines valued at $3,000.00 each that will come with the steamboat. Boat can safely carry 34 passengers and 3 crew on two levels. Upper level and lower level can be enclosed and boat converted to a private house boat. The steamwhistle is a 3 chime brass whistle that is an antique steamboat whistle and hasprobablybeen up and down the MississippiRivermoretimes than Mark Twain. The Graceful Ghost Steamboatis now docked at Big Pines Lodge catfishrestaurantbetween Karnack, TX and Uncertain, TX on Caddo Lake in Northeast Texas, near Shreveport, LA. The moving of this boat from Caddo Lake will be at buyers expense and all funds must becompletedand cleared before sale is final and boat removed. Thisvesselhas a recent marine survey and fair market value wasdeterminedto be $125,000.00 with an estimated replacement cost of $275,000.00. Copy of marine survey is available upon request.
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